Sunday, 17 June 2018


Yesterday I had a fab day teaching textile clocks.   A while ago I designed my "Blues" clock for my new Sewing Room which is basically my classroom.  We converted our garage into the "classroom" to give me private working space in the Stitchshed.  I can now develop ideas and leave a creative mess to my heart's content at the same time as having a clear room for teaching. 

This seems to work well - we are still waiting for the new larger window to give the sewing room more light and to change the door as it impinges on the space.

Anyway back to the you can see I needed a clock so I designed one incorporating machine embroidery stitches and scraps of pretty fabrics, lace and buttons.  It worked well and I was asked to teach it.

Yesterday we had a fun day creating some very pleasing clocks.

Falling leaves in the woodland with foxes and autumn leaves, owls and dog bones for a dog lover.  Well  done ladies - it was lovely fun and productive day.